Sunday, February 11, 2007

What is going on in 19th century Europe?

The 19th century was a whirlwind of isms, all affecting each other and different aspects of politics, economics, etc. Conservatism, liberalism, socialism, nationalism, militarism, imperialism, colonialism, romanticism, and mercantilism all came from different nations at different times, both caused by, and influencing other isms. So basically, to answer the question of what is going on in 19th century Europe, change. Change in political policies, economies, religious ideas, social structures, intellect, and art.

Politically in 19th century Europe, nations were going through similar transformations, and there was an overall increase in nationalism. The Congress of Vienna created new national borders in Europe after they had been changed by Napoleon. This was a conservative event, and wanted what was best for the whole, was against liberalism, and is an example of what happens when absolutism gets out of control. A major result of the Congress of Vienna was a boost in nationalism. People who had their land broken apart and given to new nations were deeply upset, and this led to the revolutions of 1848. One early example of a nationalistic movement was the Crimean War. The Crimean War was due to the rivalries of England and France against Russia. England and France were afraid that Russia would gain the Balkans, and gain trading imports in the process. This destroyed the ideas of the Congress of Vienna that all the nations could cooperate together. During the Greek War of Independence, Greece fought for freedom from their political rulers, the Ottoman Empire. This was achieved due to an increase in nationalism, influenced by the French Revolution. Following by example, Italy and Germany also sought their independence through nationalistic movements. They achieved independence through wars, which shows how nationalism can promote, and be tied to militarism. When these two new independent nations were created, this greatly altered the balance of power between the great nations. There were also many changes politically that had to do with liberalism and conservatism. One such change was the French Revolutions of 1848. This was a conflict between liberals and radicals. The liberals opposed the government that was created which threatened the international order agreed upon at the Congress of Vienna, which was a conservative policy. This revolution is viewed to have failed in the sense that it failed to establish and preserve a republic. Britain underwent many political changes in the 19th century also having to do with liberalism. One big thing that happened in Britain during this time was the Industrial Revolution. With all the job openings in the cities, many new cities were created, but none had political representation. That changed with the Great Reform Act of 1832. Liberalism gradually influenced the political structure of Britain, influencing parliamentary bodies and constitutions. Nationalism and imperialism also influenced Britain. Nationalistic feelings led to a want for more power, and led to imperialism. This led to Britain’s involvement in China. China was divided into spheres of influence between multiple nations, and with unequal treaties, this created tension between the nations such as Britain and France. Imperialism can be tied to militarism, because nations such as Britain used war to become imperialistic and gain land, colonies, and control. In that way, imperialism also tied into colonialism.

Economically, Europe was also undergoing many changes. The Industrial Revolution was a big change having to do with the economy, providing much new advancement. Goods were then mass-produced, and there were lower prices, which spurred trade. New technologies were introduced, and cities thrived with job openings. Imperialism affected the economy, because of the possession of colonies. Imperialistic nations used the policy of mercantilism to have a favorable balance of trade, use the colonies for the mother country’s advantage, and bring in money for the mother country. The Balkans was a source of economic conflict, as it was fought over the possession of trade routes. The British greatly hurt the economy of China when they forced China to open their ports to the European nations, and trade their goods for less than what they were worth. The Irish Potato Famine also had a negative effect on the economy. With many people dying, and crops spoiled, the economy was ruined, but employment also increased.

During 19th century Europe, religion took on a less important role. Romanticism art was more secular, and during the Industrial Revolution, people were more preoccupied with getting jobs and surviving in the work force than with religion. One major issue during this time about religion was the Dreyfus Affair. During this conflict, a Jew, Alfred Dreyfus, was wrongfully accused of treason, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. This is an example of how the government would judge people because of their religion. China was affected by religion because of missionaries from European nations spreading Christianity. Imperialism in this way helped the spread of religious ideas. Religion did not play a part in the unification of Germany, but it did play a small part in the unification of Italy. There was a small group that thought that unification would be led by the pope, and then when unified, the pope would lead the new nation of Italy. That idea did not work out, however, and Italy was eventually united as a monarchy by a king.

There were also many changes with the social structures of Europe. In Britain, the middle class was able to rise due to industrialization, and begin to gain control of the parliament. One major social impact was the movements for women’s rights. Women such as Mary Wollstonecraft fought for the right for women to vote and own land. Social classes broke apart, and became more even. Because of imperialism, and having access to new lands, xenophobia started in Europe. One other effect on social changes was social Darwinism, which was the idea that competition between social groups drives social evolution. This idea made Europeans think that they were superior to Africans and Asians, and that they should conquer them. As for intellectual, new ideas are transferred over from new lands, such as the idea of fireworks from China. The Industrial Revolution introduced new technologies having to do with communication and transportation. Karl Marx also influenced intellectual changes by introducing communism, which changed politics as well as intellectually. Artistic was tied into social and artistic, because paintings reflected feelings, and conveyed messages of that time, which made people think and challenge their ideas. Post Romantic Era art expressed nature as a reaction to the land being destroyed due to the Industrial Revolution.

European nations of the 19th century were going through many changes having to do with politics, economics, etc., that were all linked together. Many different movements and isms, such as imperialism and nationalism, changed Europe for better or worse.